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Vikunja 0.17.0 is released


There has been a new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
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I'm proud to announce Vikunja 0.17.0! It has been a while...

This release contains a whopping 251 new changes in the frontend and 164 in the api.

Getting the new version #

As usual, just grab a new release from the downloads page or pull the latest docker container.

Highlights #

Frontend #

The frontend was tweaked quite a lot for more consistency across all pages and a better "overall" look and feel to it. This also meant reordering some of the settings menu and the way some things were organized.

The all new shiny frontend

Notifications #

It is now possible to subscribe to a namespace, list or task. Once subscribed, you will receive emails about actions someone does on a task etc. These subscriptions bubble down so if you're subscribed to a namespace you will automatically receive notifications for all tasks on lists in that namespace.

Notifications overview

Whenever you create a new link share you can now optionally set a name and a password for it. If a password is set users will be required to enter it, providing an additional layer of security for shares. If the link share has a name set, all actions done by that link share (like creating comments or new tasks) will show up with that name attached to it. This is very useful for use cases where you want to give other people access to lists and let them comment but don't want to create an account for them.

Both can be used independently from each other.

Other notable changes #

  • Email Reminders: For tasks with reminders you can now choose to get reminders per mail.
  • Repeat monthly: Tasks now have an option to repeat each month. This enables things like "Repeat each 1st of the month".
  • Pagination Kanban: The kanban board now does not load all tasks at once but only 20 at once. Endless scrolling ensures you get to see all of your tasks
  • Filters for Kanban: Related to the pagination - you can now apply all the usual filters to the tasks on a kanban board.
  • Removing list backgrounds: You can now remove a previously set list background. It does not matter if it was set through unsplash or uploaded.

Full change lists #

As usual, you can find the full changelists in the respective frontend and api repos.

And that's all folks! Be sure to check out the community forum and let me know what you think.