Think of Vikunja like the notebook you have with all your things to keep track of.

But with superpowers.

Stay organized

Organize all of your tasks in projects. Create subprojects organize everything hierarchical and keep related stuff grouped together.

Collaborate with peers

Vikunja lets you easily share a project with another user or a whole team! Assignments show who's working on what.

Use it how you need it

You can view your tasks in the classic list view - or in a Gantt Chart, or Table view, or Kanban Board. Whatever you need!

Open Source

Vikunja is openly licensed under the AGPLv3. You can contribute in multiple ways, even if you're not a developer! It already helps a lot when you use Vikunja and report features you'd like or bugs you find. And if you are a developer and know your way around Go or Vue.js, any help is appreciated.

Vikunja Task Overview

Built for speed.

We built Vikunja with speed in mind - every interaction takes less than 100ms. No more loading spinners.
Because a productive tool should not get in your way.

The image shows a minimalist task management interface with a numbered header, breadcrumb navigation, description field, and an embedded colorful abstract image.


Tasks are not only simple tasks. You can let Vikunja remind you of tasks when they're due. Never miss an important deadline again!

Remember that thing you have to do every week but can't get the hang on? You can set tasks to repeat in a time interval, letting Vikunja remind you of important weekly or monthly tasks.

Vikunja also lets you split a task in multiple subtasks for easy progress tracking and more satisfaction when crossing them off the list!

Quick Add Magic

Add a task with a due date, labels, assignees and more without having to edit it afterwards?
Vikunja's Quick Add Magic lets you do just that! Simply create a task mentioning a date, and it will add it as a due date. Or use one of the special keywords to automatically add labels, assignees and more.

View your tasks in whatever way you like

Vikunja allows you to view tasks in four different views - use whatever works best for you.


The list view is similar to classic to-do list in a lot of ways. It shows you all tasks in a list underneath each other, enriched with all other task attributes Vikunja has to offer.

A task management interface displaying an input field to add new tasks, followed by a list of sample tasks with checkboxes, due dates, assignments, labels, and a "Quick Add Magic" feature.
Calendar view for July 2022 showing three blue task cards scheduled across different dates and a "Create a new task" button at the bottom.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart is perfect to get a timely overview of all tasks currently in-progress in a project. It allows for easy planning of deadlines and due dates.

Kanban board

Vikunja lets you organize and prioritize your tasks in a kanban board. Quickly get an overview of the status of things - especially when collaborating with multiple people on a project.

Each card on a board represents a task in Vikunja. All tasks can be added through the usual ways and will then show up in the kanban board where they can be easily rearranged and reordered.

A Kanban-style task board showing two columns, "Backlog" and "Doing", with various numbered task cards containing descriptions, labels, and status indicators.
A task list interface showing numbered tasks with titles, completion status, and labels in a sortable table format.


With the table view, you can see all task details of all your tasks. And you can even change what task attributes should be visible!

Import your tasks from Todoist, Trello or Microsoft To-Do

Because work does not happen in one tool only.

Other Features


Effortlessly mark tasks with a colorful label to find and group relevant tasks with a click!

Saved Filters

Create a filter with only the tasks you care about. Save it once, use it always.


Know that feeling when you have a dozen things to do but can't decide on what to work next? Vikunja lets you quickly prioritize your tasks, so you'll always know on what to work next.


Assign tasks to other users or yourself so everyone always knows who is responsible for which task.


Attach files to tasks, so you can always have all related files for a task in one place!


Relate different tasks together - even if they're not in the same project! A relation can be multiple things, for example a subtask or blocking task.

Due dates

Remember these tasks with a deadline coming up? Set a due date for a task and see all tasks with upcoming deadlines at once!

Share links

You can share a project with a link so that others can directly see or edit all tasks in a project but don't need to create an account. Share links have all the same rights management as sharing with users or teams.


Vikunja comes with a calDAV-integration which lets you use the tools you already use and love.

We will never look at your tasks.

We will never sell your grocery list or metadata. Because privacy matters.
Don't take our word for it, check it! Vikunja is openly licensed under the AGPLv3.

Get Started

Use the open-source version on your own server

Get Started

Don't have a server or don't want to deal with it?

Meet Vikunja Cloud


4€ / month

40 when billed yearly (-20%)

Your own account, completely managed by us.

  • Unlimited lists
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Unlimited reminders
  • Unlimited share links
  • Unlimited relations
  • Unlimited filters
  • 10GB attachment storage
  • Support an awesome open-source project
  • Email & Community support

Free 14 day trial. Cancel anytime.

5€ / month per user

50 when billed yearly (-20%)

A plan for all users in your organization.

  • Everything in Personal
  • Unlimited Teams
  • 50GB attachment storage
  • Priority Support via Email
  • Centralized Team Billing

Free 14 day trial. Cancel anytime.

Custom Pricing

Your Enterprise-ready instance of Vikunja.

  • Everything in Organization
  • Unlimited attachment storage
  • Your own dedicated instance
  • Team billing
  • Admin interface to manage users
  • Bring your own server (optional)
  • Agreement for contract data processing (GDPR)
  • Priority email support
  • Team training

Vikunja is and always will be Open-Source and freely available.
The hosted version supports the development and ensures Vikunja will be around for some time.

Why is there no free version?

Building and maintaining software costs money and time. There's no way around it. That money has to come from somewhere. Most free products either have limited functionality to nag you to buy a premium version that is actually usable or just sell your data to advertising companies. In those cases, your not the user, you're the product.

We don't do any of this.
We believe you, the user, should be front and center of the software you're using. You're always free to host Vikunja yourself, no strings attached. Keep in mind that also means you will need to take care of all server maintenance, updates and backups yourself. If that's your jam, great! But if you just want to use it, consider buying a subscription to support the ongoing development.

If you're not sure Vikunja is useful to you, just try it risk-free with a 14-day trial. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.