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Vikunja v0.24.1 was released


There has been a new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
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Following the release of 0.24.0 almost two weeks ago, this is a patch release with many small bug fixes and improvements.

We have brought some new features onboard, fixed some existing issues, and have made various improvements in performance as well as dependencies. Let's take a look at all the updates we made:

  1. Filters now work better: they now handle special characters properly, work regardless of letter case, show clearer error messages, and update tasks in filter buckets automatically when you create or modify them.

  2. The Kanban view has received a lot of attention: tasks now move between buckets more intelligently, repeating tasks stay where they should, and the board stays in sync with other views when you mark tasks as done.

  3. We've added a helpful error message when you try to create an API token without selecting any permissions, and we've made some improvements to the two-factor authentication.

  4. When you duplicate a project, it won't create buckets in the old project anymore. We also made sure the tasks were correctly inserted into the new buckets.

  5. Task creation and searching have been improved: the quick add feature will create a new task if you only use magic keywords, and we've fine-tuned the indexing process when using the search with Typesense.

  6. We've made several user interface improvements, like fixing the overflow of select menus on mobile and adjusting various buttons and dropdowns for better usability.

  7. The database migration now logs more information to help you troubleshoot issues. Previously, it looked like Vikunja hanged for a while with no progress being made during long migrations.

  8. @dpschen has done a bunch of code cleanups and improvements of Vue components under the hood. Many thanks!

  9. As always, we've fixed a bunch of small bugs, improved error handling in various places, updated a bunch of dependencies, and made numerous small tweaks to make the app run more smoothly overall.

As usual, you can find the full changelogs in the code repo.

To get the upgrade, simply replace the Vikunja binary or pull the latest docker image. You can also check out the update docs for more information about the process.

If you have any questions about this release, please reach out either in the community forum, Twitter / X, Mastodon or via email.