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Vikunja 0.13.0 is released


There has been a new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
If Vikunja is useful to you, please consider buying me a coffee, sponsoring me on GitHub or buying a sticker pack. I'm also offering a hosted version of Vikunja if you want a hassle-free solution for yourself or your team.

This is a big release!

There were a total of 84 api related and 114 frontend related merged features and improvements since the last release.

Thanks to Furai, jonastheis and funkythings for contributing to this release.

Breaking #

All api field names are now snake_case. The frontend already reflects that.

Highlights #

This release has a few highlights:

Kanban #

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You can now organize and prioritize your tasks in a kanban board - each card on a board represents a task. All tasks can be added through the usual ways and will then show up in the kanban board where they can be easily rearranged and reordered.

2fa #

It is now possible to additionally secure a user account with two-factor authentication.

Configurable api url in frontend #

You can now tell the frontend where it can find the backend - this makes deployment and management of frontend installations easier.

Vuex #

Under the hood, the frontend now uses vuex for centralized state management. This enables some features like displaying the list titles in the task overview pages.

Other Changes #

Other notable changes include:

  • Move tasks between lists
  • User settings to change email, password and 2fa
  • Properly highlight the current list in the menu
  • Show parent lists and namespaces for related tasks
  • Fix not all labels being shown in labels overview
  • Fixes for team managment
  • Prevent link share creation with admin rights from a link share without admin rights

All changes #

The full list of changes is available in the release notes from the api and frontend repos.