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Vikunja frontend v0.20.3 and API v0.20.2 was released


There has been a new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
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This is a patch release with important fixes and improvements in the frontend and api.

Among code-improvements, refactorings and dependency updates, these are the noteworthy changes:

  • Migration from Todoist now uses their new v9 api. As a result, syncing with Todoist should work properly now.
  • Other issues with the migration from third-party services have been fixed.
  • A problem with sending overdue task reminders has been fixed.
  • Resetting the user's name to an empty name now works as expected.
  • All support for a Wunderlist import has been removed as they shut down their api a while ago.
  • When assigning a user with quick-add-magic to a newly created task, Vikunja now correctly ignores users who don't exist or don't have access to the task instead of removing the username text from the task title.
  • When switching between tasks directly via the related task list the task description of the new task is now displayed correctly.
  • Norwegian is now available as a language for the interface. Thanks to our volunteer translators!

As usual, you can find the full changelogs in the frontend and api repos.

To get the upgrade, simply replace the frontend files or api binary or pull the latest docker image. You can also check out the update docs for the frontend or api updating process.