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Vikunja frontend v0.20.4 and API v0.20.3 was released


There has been a new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
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This is a patch release with important fixes and improvements in the frontend and api.

Among code-improvements, refactorings and dependency updates, these are the noteworthy changes:

  • The docker images for both parts have been improved under the hood - they should work the same way.
  • Empty deletion dates are now properly set when restoring from a Vikunja dump. This caused some users to be deleted in the past.
  • Some migration problems with Todoist and TickTick have been resolved.
  • After using the kanban board for a while, some tasks would get the position 0 and thus wouldn't be sorted correctly anymore. This is now fixed.
  • CalDAV now supports managing labels via its categories property.
  • Logging for events is now off by default as it has very little value most of the time.
  • When configuring a language other than english, the sidebar would not collapse properly on mobile. This is now fixed.
  • The sort order for tasks in table view is now correctly saved and loaded.

In other news, there is now an official Vikunja Helm Chart! If you're running (or want to) Vikunja in a k8s environment, we highly reccomend using this chart.

Thanks to Yurii Vlasov for leading the effort here.

As usual, you can find the full changelogs in the frontend and api repos.

To get the upgrade, simply replace the frontend files or api binary or pull the latest docker image. You can also check out the update docs for the frontend or api updating process.