What's new in Vikunja 0.23.0

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I’m happy to announce Vikunja 0.23.0!

This release contains 63 changes, with one substantial change and a few bug fixes.

New to Vikunja? #

Vikunja is the open-source, self-hostable to-do app. It lets you organize all kinds of things, from your shopping list to a multi-month project with multiple team members. Different ways to view, filter and share your tasks make this a breeze.

Check out the features page to learn more about all of its features.

API, Frontend and Desktop are now merged in one repo #

Previously, the API and frontend parts of Vikunja were located in separate repositories. This made sense from an architectural point of view, but also meant that you had to deploy both parts individually.

With this release, the two repositories (and the desktop package as well) are merged into one. This enables us to create a single binary release artifact, simplifying the deployment and hosting of Vikunja a lot.

In a nutshell, the API now contains the frontend files as well.

How to upgrade #

To upgrade, you need to remove the frontend deployment and update the API binary. Let’s dive into what that means exactly.

Manual deployment #

If you’ve previously deployed the API by downloading a binary release, follow these steps to upgrade to the new version:

  1. Replace the API binary with the new vikunja binary.
  2. Remove the web server configuration used to host the frontend files.
  3. Remove the frontend files from your host.
  4. Update your reverse proxy config (if any) to send all traffic to the vikunja service (previously API).
  5. Set the new public URL config (see below).

Check out the docs for more information.

See below for configuration values you might need to adjust.

Using docker #

If you’ve previously deployed Vikunja via docker, follow these steps to upgrade to the new version:

  1. Replace the vikunja/api docker image with vikunja/vikunja.
  2. Remove the frontend docker container, migrating any config from it (see below).
  3. Update your reverse proxy config (if any) to send all traffic to the new vikunja/vikunja container instead of splitting it between frontend and API.
  4. If you previously had a proxy nginx container in your setup, you can remove that as well.
  5. Set the new public URL config (see below).

Check out the docs or docker examples for more information.

See below for configuration values you might need to adjust.

Configuration changes #

Some configuration options for the API and frontend have changed with this release:

Closing #

If you have any questions about this release, please reach out either in the community forum, Twitter / X, Mastodon or via email.

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