External Integrations

This page showcases community-maintained tools and integrations that work with Vikunja. These tools extend Vikunja's functionality and can help you integrate it into your existing workflows.

Do you know of other tools or integrations that work well with Vikunja? Feel free to contribute to this page or let us know about them!

Vja - Vikunja Client #

Vja provides a command line interface for adding, viewing, and editing todo tasks on a Vikunja Server. The goal is to support a command line based task workflow similar to taskwarrior.

Visit the Vja GitLab repository to learn more.

vja-review #

vja-review is a Python wrapper around vja that offers an easy way of reviewing tasks that are either overdue or are in a given time range (e.g., today's or this week's tasks).

Visit the vja-review GitHub repository to learn more.

tw2vikunja #

tw2vikunja helps you easily convert your Taskwarrior tasks to Vikunja tasks, making migration from Taskwarrior to Vikunja simple and straightforward.

Visit the tw2vikunja GitHub repository to learn more.